© Photo: Oberösterreich Tourismus GmbH./Robert Maybach: Enjoy the view in Upper Austria
Enjoy the view in Upper Austria

Marterlweg D - Zeissberg - Kronast

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Starting place: 4212 Neumarkt im Mühlkreis
Destination: 4212 Neumarkt im Mühlkreis

duration: 1h 42m
length: 22,5 km
Altitude difference (uphill): 296m
Altitude difference (downhill): 300m

Lowest point: 551m
Highest point: 675m
difficulty: easy
condition: medium
panoramic view: Dreamtour

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The "Heimat-Geschichte-Brauchtum" association has thankfully endeavoured and taken on the task of compiling "Neumarkter Marterlwege". The dedicated team was able to build on historical documents and brochures that have already shed light on the history of the Neumarkt Marterl in various ways.

There are numerous wayside shrines and crosses in the municipality of Neumarkt, which enrich the landscape as cultural gems. In addition, each wayside shrine tells an individual story: of special events, of people's worries and hardships or even of the gratitude of the person who erected it. Marterl are, as it were, stone witnesses to history.

Recommendation: Take the bike

Brief directions
You cycle along the B125, on the left-hand side of the road there are two wrought-iron crosses and two stones to remind us of people who have had accidents (we look at these on the return journey), then continue to the Schwandtendorf junction, Kronast turn off there and cycle over the bridge of the S10, left along the GW to Schwandtendorf. There are 3 stations to visit. The journey continues after the chapel in the direction of Kronast. After the 2 stations, turn right. After the stations you will reach Kronast. Then continue on the GW in the direction of Unterzeiß. Approx. 2.5 km, on the access road to Stiegler you drive to the chapel. Afterwards we continue (2 stops) to the "Kammermaor". Here we turn round and cycle back to the Albingdorf turn-off (approx. 1.4 km). At the Aigner we visit the chapel. Then cycle via "Kuglhofer" and via "Fitzinger" back to Kronast. The journey continues via GW to Oberzeiß. After the "Koja Chapel" we cycle through Schwandtendorf via GW and return to the B 125. Along the road we come to memorial stones and crosses. With a visit to the church and the missionary cross, we end the longest martyrological trail in the municipality.

The 1st stop on the GW is the Steininger cross
Granite crucifix on a stone base Stone inscription 1931

History: The cross was erected in 1931 in place of a wooden cross. Exact history unknown.
Travel tip: The next stop in Schwandtendorf is the Peilsteiner Marterl

Brick wayside shrine with iron grating. Main figure: Our Lady of Fatima. There are also statues of saints next to it.
History: Erected in 1969 as an ornament.
The next stop in Schwandtendorf is the chapel in the centre of the village.

Walk-in chapel with benches. Altarpiece: Mary with the child. Images of saints on both sides. Inscription: 19 JHS 04 FTB ( Franz and Theresia Berger)
History: Franz, the son of the Bergergut, broke his leg in 1903. As thanks for the successful healing, his father had the chapel built in 1904. ( Oral tradition )
Journey note: The journey continues on the GW in the direction of Kronast. After 300 metres, turn right at the GW junction.

Granite wayside shrine, main picture: Pieta, St Florian on the left, St Leonhard on the right. Renovated 1996 Picture painted. Fr Traxl.
History: Picture inscription: JHS 1855 INRI MARIA JW LT
Journey hint: In the garden 200 metres from the "Schläger" is a wayside shrine.

Round stone pillar with picture attachment. 4 pictures in the niches: St Trinity. St Leonhard. St Florian, Mary with the child Inscription: A S M 1990 ( Alfon and Maria Schläger )
History: Erected in 1990 instead of a chapel. It was erected in gratitude for the previous owner's safe return home from the First World War.
Driving tip: As you continue on this GW, you will see the remains of the Kronast ruins.

The building appears in documents in 1333. The word "Cranest" was mentioned for the first time in 1377.
History: The building, which was never a castle or similar, must have burnt down at least once due to the red colour of the stone. In 1527 the building appears for the first time as the property of the "Weinberger" the Zelkinger. It was not rebuilt after a fire in the 16th century.
Driving tip: On the driveway to the former smithy there is a stone marmot on the right.

Broad pillar with reverse glass picture: Holy Trinity. On it a cross from Lorraine. Inscription: JHS, INRI 1823
Story: A high-spirited girl went home from dancing. The girl thought that because she had forgotten the rosary, it was much more fun. Suddenly the girl was swept up by a whirlwind and fell dying into the arms of a boy standing nearby. The Stöckl cross was erected near the former smithy in 1823 to honour her memory.
Driving tip: We now drive a good two kilometres north to Unterzeiß. The Stiegler chapel awaits us at the top of the mountain. A cross stands in front of it.

Broad pillar with two niches. Above. Holy Trinity, lower niche empty. Inscription: JHS, MARIA Joseph and Klara Stigler
History: The shrine used to stand at the access road to Puchmayr and was moved here when the goods road (GW) was built.
Route: We follow the access road and head towards the chapel, which is already visible.

Accessible house chapel, with pews, altar and tabernacle. Statue of the Risen Christ, statue of the Virgin Mary, St Joseph, Stations of the Cross. Bell tower with bell. Inscription: Faithful to the clod, closer to God.
Story: The Stiegl children were playing in a hut made of leaves when a fire suddenly broke out. One boy was trapped. He was rescued unharmed. The chapel was built in 1936 in gratitude. (Oral tradition)
Route description: Our journey continues via the GW to Trölsberg in the direction of Freistadt. After 400 metres you will see the chapel on the right

Accessible chapel with four benches and a statue. (St Florian, St Leonhard, Mary with the child = main picture. Two images of saints Inscription: IS 18 INRI 80 FS (Johann and Franziska Sulzer)
History: No known history.
Route: Continue along the GW, turn off at the access road to Obergrabensteiner for 100 metres to the small chapel.

Small chapel, with main picture: Head of the Virgin Mary, left: Mary with the child, right: Jesus boy. Infant Jesus. Inscription: Renov. 1993
History: No known history.
Route: At the GW, turn left until you reach the last farmhouse in the municipality of Neumarkt. After a pond, the Kreuzstöckl is on the left. ( 200m )

Broad pillar with wayside shrine. Stained glass picture with the Holy Trinity. St Florian, St Leonhard.
History: A reclining crescent on the top, with an iron cross on it: "Victory of Christianity over Islam?"
Ride tip: We now turn round and ride back along the GW to the crossroads to Albingdorf. (Approx. 1400m) At the crossroads (on the right) there is a cross.

Granite column with paper pictures behind glass (Jesus on the Mount of Olives in front, Madonna and Child on the left, St Florian on the right, Pietro on the back). St Florian, Pieta at the back.
History: No known history
Driving tip: If we continue eastwards, we come to the Aigner Chapel in 50 metres.

Walk-in chapel with six benches and altarpiece: Mary with the child.
Renovated: 1992 Inscription: INRI, JHS, MARIA
History: In the chapel there is a framed manuscript with the following text: The Marienkapelle was built by Josef and Maria Freudenthaler, consecrated on 20th August 1874 by the parish priest Franz Zimmerhansl with episcopal permission. "May there be devotion and silence in this holy place."
Route description: Continue on the GW (approx. 800m) to the "Großhansl" in Albingdorf, where the small chapel stands on the right.

Small, brick-built chapel with picture niche and iron grille. Picture: Reverse glass picture: House protection
History: The chapel was moved to this location when the road was re-routed. There is no other history.
Driving tip: After approx. 200 metres, there is a small chapel on the left-hand side of the road between two old birch trees.

Popular name: Known and "Kuglhofer"
Small brick chapel with stone slab roof. There is a statue of Fatima in the niche with iron grating. On the left and right are pictures of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary
History: Erected in 1865 with the wish for children, the wish was fulfilled 13 years later. The only child, the son Josef Seyr, was born in 1869. His father was only granted 10 years, however, and died at the age of 51 in 1879.
Driving directions: Following the GW, we reach the Kreuzstöckl after 200 metres in the driveway at "Schreda-Michael".

Slender column, wayside shrine with three niches. Pictures behind glass: Holy Trinity, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Sacred Heart of Mary. Wrought iron cross on a stone sphere. Stone inscription: F F 1750 A P
History: In the years 1680-1706 there were great differences of faith between Protestants and Catholics. There were knights and bands of robbers. There was a robbers' den in the Zarzer (Schreda) area, but the robber chief's seat was at Landl (Lein-Fitzinger). There was an agreement among the robber bosses that "whoever survived the battles would erect a memorial stone for the others." The Landl family is the rightful owner, but the memorial is ploughed by both, although it stands on the grounds of the Zarzerhaus. Stand of the robbers' den. The last time the shrine was renovated was by Kefermarkt pensioners under the direction of Wegerer Erich.
Driving tip: We turn round here and take the GW to the left towards Kronast. We leave the tennis court on the right and drive to Oberzeiß (approx. 500 m). After the crossroads (left) in 50 m between the 2 houses on the left is a small chapel.

Popular name: "Schwarz Mariann"
Small brick chapel, in the niche a large picture with the painful Mother of God Renovated in 1994
History: Built in 1946 by Mr Schwarz Johann out of gratitude for having survived the post-war period.
Route: Continue on the GW in the direction of Lamm, after 200 metres you will come to a cross on the left.

Three-part granite wayside shrine with picture niche (Mary with the child)
History: No known history. It is the most unconventional type in the municipality of Neumarkt.
Route: We turn our bikes round and cycle through the rest of the settlement. At the crossroads, turn right towards "Koja," Greslehner Bertl.) This gem is located in front of the farmhouse on the right-hand side at the edge of the forest.

Walk-in chapel with 8 pews, 2 wooden statues: St Mary, left at the entrance: a crucifix, wooden altar. Bell tower. Several images of saints
History: Inscription: Built as an intercession for more peace in families. Weddings have also been celebrated here.
Ride tip: After turning the bike round, we cycle back to the village. Our journey takes us to the edge of the forest, looking straight ahead to the shrine.

Wayside shrine with glazed niche with iron grating. Wooden statue: Mary with the child and 2 wooden angels (candlesticks).
Erected in 1988 in place of a sheet metal cross (Red Cross).
Driving directions: We drive over the GW to the B125 (straight through the village.) The memorial stone is on the left approx. 10 metres before the bend.

Inscribed granite block with lantern.
History: Inscription: In memory of Mrs Johanna ÖLLINGER, killed in a traffic accident with a young recruit on 16 April 1988 at the age of 24.
Driving directions: We turn right on the B 125 and see two iron crosses and a wayside shrine on the right-hand side of the road (200m) along the S 10.

Wrought-iron cross with inscription plate, on a stone base. Renovated. 2021
In memory of POSTL Pepi who died in a road accident nearby on 11 Jan. 1982, with three other fatalities (including Reindl Friedl). Cross moved because of S10)
Driving advice: In 30m wayside shrine

Wrought iron cross with ceramic picture. Renovated. 2021
History: In memory of Mr Walter GRUMPTMANN, 22 years old, had an accident nearby on 25.8.1956, moved because of S 10 cross.

Stone pillar with wayside shrine, picture behind glass: Holy Trinity
Stone plaque inscription: Wolfgang Weinberger - 18.2.1967 + 15.2.1974
History: Wolfgang, just seven years old, was killed in a road accident not far from here in 1974. (The stone was also moved from its original location because of the S 10 motorway)
Journey note: We drive back, we give thanks for a nice excursion during a short prayer in the church.

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
Most economical season
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn

Please get in touch for more information.

Marterlweg D - Zeissberg - Kronast
Verein „Heimat-Geschichte-Brauchtum“
4212 Neumarkt im Mühlkreis

Phone +43 664 3457941
E-Mail rudolf.kaineder@aon.at
Web www.muehlviertel.at/oesterreich-tou…

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 Interactive elevation profile

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Starting place: 4212 Neumarkt im Mühlkreis
Destination: 4212 Neumarkt im Mühlkreis

duration: 1h 42m
length: 22,5 km
Altitude difference (uphill): 296m
Altitude difference (downhill): 300m

Lowest point: 551m
Highest point: 675m
difficulty: easy
condition: medium
panoramic view: Dreamtour

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