© Photo: Oberösterreich Tourismus GmbH./Robert Maybach: Enjoy the view in Upper Austria
Enjoy the view in Upper Austria

Marterlweg F - Matzelsdorf - Dingdorf

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Starting place: 4212 Neumarkt im Mühlkreis
Destination: 4212 Neumarkt im Mühlkreis

duration: 1h 13m
length: 14,7 km
Altitude difference (uphill): 303m
Altitude difference (downhill): 303m

Lowest point: 545m
Highest point: 678m
difficulty: easy
condition: medium
panoramic view: Great panorama

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The "Heimat-Geschichte-Brauchtum" association has thankfully endeavoured and taken on the task of compiling "Neumarkter Marterlwege". The dedicated team was able to build on historical documents and brochures that have already shed light on the history of the Neumarkt Marterl in various ways.

There are numerous wayside shrines and crosses in the municipality of Neumarkt, which enrich the landscape as cultural gems. In addition, each wayside shrine tells an individual story: of special events, of people's worries and hardships or even of the gratitude of the person who erected it. Marterl are, as it were, stone witnesses to history.

MARTERLWEG F Matzelsdorf- Dingdorf - 15 km - BIKE VERSION

We start at the market square and head up Bindergasse via Salzstraße. At the crossroads on the Tannberg, we stay right and head into the forest to the first stop.

Walk-in chapel without chairs. The main figure is a statue of Fatima, on the walls are four different images of saints Inscription: Built in 1929 - renovated in 1929 and 2014
History: The owner at the time, Mrs Holzhaider from Neumarkt 3, had the chapel built in gratitude for her son's recovery after a serious illness.
Hint: Follow the same path for 300 metres to the stone memorial.

This is the only surviving death lamp in Neumarkt. The top was originally hollow and the openings were glazed. The 5 crosses on the KS are a special feature. This shrine was renovated in summer 2021. The pictures were donated by the fire brigade, farmers' association, senior citizens' association and comradeship association. Inscription 1664
History: The wayside shrine is called the Zerrkreuz because a spy was torn apart here with draught animals during the French wars. ( 4 crosses ) PESTKREUZ: Also known as the "Süchenkreuz" at the time of the plague in Neumarkt in 1664. It is also said that the plague victims were buried in the immediate vicinity.
Driving instructions: Continue along the GW. After a good 150 metres, we come to the next wayside shrine on the right at the transmitter

Chapel with an iron-grilled niche containing a stained glass picture (St Anne) Renovated in 1995
History: The picture was painted by Mrs Maier from Alberndorf. No other history known.
Driving directions: Continue down the valley and after 50 metres you will come to the next chapel on the right before the farmhouse.

Accessible chapel without chairs. Main picture: Heart of Mary, below small statue: Mary with the child. Inscription: 19 A. u. K.K. 10 ( Alois and Katharina Kohlberger
History: No known history.
Driving instructions: Continue to the next left turn-off, straight on for approx. 500m through the forest, past the house on the right, our destination is the GW access road at Stadler Rudersdorf 14

Small brick chapel with barred niche. Inside three statues and a plaque.
History: Inscription: In memory of Mr Georg Fischer, who suffered a heart attack on this spot on 8 August 1929 at the age of 29 while bringing in grain.
Driving instructions: The wayside shrine is located approx. 30 metres towards the house on the left.

Wide granite pillar with picture niche and wire fence. (currently) No picture) Otherwise Holy Trinity History: Stone inscription: JHS No history known. Enjoy the beautiful view of Kefermarkt and Weinberg Castle.
Driving instructions: We drive downhill until just before Lasbergerstr. (20m) The Marterl is enthroned on the right above the road embankment.

Small brick chapel with iron grating, a plaster statue of Fatima.
History: Renovated in 1990 by the Neumarkt Goldhauben women.
Driving directions: You are now travelling on Lasbergerstr. in the direction of Linz. After approx. 1km. you will come to a chapel (on the left). Turn left at this junction. The chapel is located directly at the junction.

Brick chapel with barred niche. Main picture: Holy Family, left: Sacred Heart of Jesus, right: Sacred Heart of Mary History: Transferred from the Dantlinger house (Loisinger) to the Pangl house (Ruhsam) in 1994. The chapel was badly damaged in a road accident, so it was demolished and rebuilt. From the owner and Kindermann Josef
Driving instructions: Continuing along the goods road, we come to a beautiful wayside shrine on the right after approx. 400 metres. We then continue straight on along the GW (towards Dingdorf, approx. 1.5 km)

Broad pillar with tin picture: St Mary with the child. Inscription: St Mary pray for us! Stone inscription: JHS GP MARIA 1839
History: Wirt-Stöckl therefore, the house before the crossroads was "da Krempl-Wirt" Even earlier was "Kiesenhofer Wirt," more detailed stories not known.
Driving instructions: Through the whole forest (approx. 1.5km) on the road we come to the edge of the village of Dingdorf, on the right is the new chapel.

Accessible chapel without chairs. Statue of Fatima, pictures of saints: Mary with the Child, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Sacred Heart of Mary. Glass crucifix.
History: Was rebuilt around 2015 - 2020.
Driving directions: We have to drive in the direction of Hagenberg. After passing the fire station, we come to the chapel after 100m.

Small walk-in chapel with iron lattice and pyramid roof made of sheet metal. Main picture: Mary with the child. Li. Jesus Re. Mary Inscription: St Mary pray for us.
History: Was built in 1810 by the village community out of gratitude that the French did not come to Dingdorf in 1809 (tradition: from the local history book Neumarkt, Mr Affenzeller H.).
Driving instructions: We drive downhill for approx. 500 metres along a promising GW and then turn right towards Schiernersdorf.

Accessible chapel without chairs, with altar, statues and crucifix. Year of construction 1871
Story: A white figure appeared to the brother of the Augnstil farmer. Only he could see it, it said: "I fell in the Swedish war and am buried in Wartberg; if you dig where you saw me, you will find buried money. Talk to the neighbour, dig it up and share it. Pay 6 masses in Wartberg". The neighbour didn't want to know anything about it, dug alone and paid the 6 masses. He used the money to renovate his house and build the chapel. When a mass was said in Wartberg, you could hear the bells ringing in Schiernersdorf. The brother of the Augstil farmer became very depressed because it did not happen as the apparition said and died after 2 years.
Driving tip: We continue on the goods road ( GW ) via Lasberger Landstraße. The wayside shrine is at the crossroads. (on the right)

Wayside shrine made of granite. With 2 picture niches, on a granite base. Mary with the child, Jesus with crown of thorns.
History: According to the old farmer, there was a witches' circle around the wayside shrine. He himself was once harassed by the gathered witches. He drew a knife and wounded a witch. The next day he learnt that his future daughter-in-law was lying in bed with a stab wound ... ( Oral tradition)
Driving tip: Take this road through the settlement until the forest ends on the right, then you will see the chapel.


Stone-walled chapel with iron lattice secured picture niche. The contents of the chapel were stolen in Dec. 1993, now there is a statue of Fatima inside.
History: When the very dilapidated kristwöger house was rebuilt in 1950, the then farmer's wife Maria Brandstätter promised that she would have a chapel built if no accidents happened during the rebuilding. The neighbour Franz Lamplmeier built the chapel in 1954.
Driving instructions: We follow the path. Stay on this path until you reach the B 125, drive on it for about 1 km. The pillar is at the bus stop.

M 31 BURMER-Kreuzstöckl
Beautiful baroque column made of granite. With a picture of the Holy Family. Inscription: L S L 1781 (Schwandner) History: This was the assembly point for the foot pilgrimage to Mariazell. (Oral tradition)
Driving instructions: After turning left off the B 125, the path continues on the tarmac road. After crossing the S 10 motorway, turn left into the forest after approx. 100m. The wayside shrine is located almost exactly in the centre of the forest.

Former gravestone, tin picture: Mary with the child (painted by Mr Horky from Trosselsdorf) Inscription: 1909 S.A.R. (Ramberger)
History: 1907 Josef Ramberger (Wastl i. Möstling) died at birth. The mother only narrowly escaped death. In 1909, the woman gave birth to a daughter (Katharina). In gratitude, the shrine was erected and consecrated in 1933. (Oral tradition)
Driving directions: We drive out of the forest in the direction of Möstling. The wayside shrine is on the driveway to the Geier-Haus. (on the right)

Broad granite pillar. Sheet metal image: Mary with the child Inscription: 1840 History: The wayside shrine was brought here and erected by the owner of the weekend cottage.
Driving tip: The chapel can be seen 50 metres away in the direction of Möstling.

Accessible chapel with two benches and altar. Main figure: crucifix. Also four statues and six images of saints. Inscription: G.G (bell) IST 1812
History: During a storm, all the earth from the "hintere Leiten" was washed into the Gusen valley. The chapel was built in 1812 to pray that this would never happen again. (Oral tradition)
Driving instructions: Drive back before the bridge, continue right on the "Krail`n-Weg" back to Neumarkt. At the pond we turn left, at the wagon hut again and come to the 2 Pillhofer chapels.

Accessible chapel without chairs, small wooden altar and crucifix by Lud. Miesenberger. Images of saints on both sides.
History: No further history known. Inscription on the wall: " God bless and preserve our crops 18 J. A.R. 55
Driving directions: The 2nd chapel is only approx. 30 metres away

Chapel with picture niche, large picture with Mount of Olives scene and blacksmith's cross. The 2nd chapel with wall inscription is only about 30 metres away: Father if it is possible, let this chalice pass me by. History: No further stories known.
Driving directions: Follow Sportplatzstr. to Spielplatzstraße. Continue left via Schulstr. to the B 125, then turn onto the market square to the church.

Wooden cross with tin roof. Carved wooden Christ. Inscription: MISSION 1927
History: Erected on the occasion of the mission in 1927.

The parish church invites you to a short prayer.

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
Most economical season
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn

Please get in touch for more information.

Marterlweg F - Matzelsdorf - Dingdorf
Verein "Heimat-Geschichte-Brauchtum"
4212 Neumarkt im Mühlkreis

Phone +43 664 3457941
E-Mail rudolf.kaineder@aon.at

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 Interactive elevation profile

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Starting place: 4212 Neumarkt im Mühlkreis
Destination: 4212 Neumarkt im Mühlkreis

duration: 1h 13m
length: 14,7 km
Altitude difference (uphill): 303m
Altitude difference (downhill): 303m

Lowest point: 545m
Highest point: 678m
difficulty: easy
condition: medium
panoramic view: Great panorama

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